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Market Research Panel Companies

Jan 14

Market research is a tedious process and works best when you deal with an expert in the field to offer the required assistance, making the research process stress-free. Slice MR offers a customer-centered service that allows you to meet your objectives and get quality data which is among our guiding principles in every service we offer. Additionally, the various Market Research Panel Companies professionals guide you throughout the research using a detailed process that guides the entire execution. We execute every bit of the project skillfully and get the required results. 

We offer a seamless fieldwork process


At Slice MR, we perform several activities to make the Quantitative Research Companies data collection process have no setbacks. The fieldwork begins with a soft launch to test if everything works in the perfect condition that it is aimed to do. If an adjustment is necessary, then we do it to the program before proceeding to the full launch. 

After the first three stages of the project, execution is completed, and quote request, survey optimization, programming, pre-launch, and client testing comes to the fourth stage, the data collection.

We will share a live report link with you.

Visibility is critical during the data collection phase, and that is why at Slice MR, we provide you with a live report link when hosting. The Survey Programming clients that offer the same make it possible and easy for us to execute everything flawlessly. Our skilled project managers monitor the quotas and give you daily sample updates. Additionally, we could ask you questions to get updates on what's working and what isn't to update the strategy and make it work better. 

We are available until all quotas get filled.

A Slice MR, our availability has enabled us to deliver a reliable and professional service to all our clients. Data collection is a critical part of the research procedure, and care must get taken to get clean and reliable data. We work tirelessly to ensure that everything works perfectly until all the data collection quotas are filled with quality and reliable data. 

We offer the proper support and guidance.

Our support has gone a long way toward simplifying the market research process and quality data acquisition. When you choose to work with Slice MR, you are assured of being in safe and stable hands, which guide you accordingly throughout the Online Panel and Paid Survey Panels procedure. Call today for fast and accurate service. 

Slice MR

2550 Crawford Ave

Evanston, IL 60201
